Friday, January 18, 2008

Oh Boy...

We're home.

Joining us, is Mason. He was born on Wednesday, January 16th at 4:28pm. He came in at 7lbs 6oz, and 19inches.

There's alot more pics, but I'm tired, so here's a few I found funny ( okay, and one nice one ) from his first few days around the office.

"Peace out, bitches!"
real caption: Moments before his first bath, and before he noticed it was cold without most of his clothes on.

"F*ck you. I don't want a bath."
real caption: Now noticing he's getting cold, he's starting to get a bit cranky.

"I AM the strongest." ( only my family will get that joke. )
real caption: After bath time, the nurse gave him a mohawk. I kinda liked it, but that was not the general consensus of the visitors.

Daddy tries ( mostly unsuccessfully ) to catch some Z's.

"And he came down from the mountain with 2 ounces, one bottle. And he drank it. And it was good.... Letter from the Kufahl's to the Polypollipians." ( h/t to Will )
real caption: He's just a little jaundice, so we have to give him an ounce of formula after the real stuff. Not having total control of his arms, he likes to move them around without much purpose.

"I can hold up my own face, motherf*cker!!!" ( h/t to Will )
real caption: Along with not much control of his arms, he doesn't have much control of his neck either. Some of the faces he makes during our burping attempts are pretty priceless.

More to come, but it's off to not get anymore sleep. ;)

edit: On the original post, I typed that he was born in March, which is incorrect. He was infact, born on January 16th, not from the future month of March. I have no idea how that happened. I guess I was more tired than I thought I was.


At 11:07 AM, Blogger Nick said...


Congrats you guys.

At 2:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

---Joining us, is Mason. He was born on Wednesday, March 16th at 4:28pm. He came in at 7lbs 6oz, and 19inches.---

Holy shit, he's from the future!

At 2:56 PM, Blogger Nort said...

Nice one Chris... I didn't even catch that the first time through.

At 4:41 PM, Blogger ptg said...

Congrats - he's a cutie. :o)

At 10:33 PM, Blogger Kat said...

Oh Oh! A baby Kuflax is on the loose!! Love the name!! Congrats again to you and Robin. Say hi to GRANDPA & GRANDMA for me! Heehee that's funny!!!

At 2:27 PM, Blogger Party Girl said...

Congrats, and those are great first pics!

At 4:13 PM, Blogger Collin said...

welcome to the club my friend. Having support from family and friends is one of the most important things, so if someone wants to give you a hand, let them help, and take the opportunity to take a nap! Seriously, call if you need anything.

At 9:56 PM, Blogger Aaron said...

Please accept my late congratulations, and my offer to be your support group!


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