Friday, August 26, 2005

Hitmen Site

Alrighty - the website is up for the Hitmen.

Check it out here.

It is quite a work in progress, and I'm not happy with some things, but we had to get it up and running. So the never ending web upkeep continues. Except now, there's 35 guys that APPRECIATE what I'm doing.

I've also linked to it on the side, and removed the Marauder link. On a side note, the very pissed off Racine Raiders are coming to Hart Park on Saturday at 2pm. Will and I were thinking of getting a case of beer, and watching from the parking lot. Could be high comedy time.

But the Hitmen play on Sunday - 3PM - Milwaukee Sports Complex ( map on the Hitmen website *shameless plug* ). Come check us out. Will has a real good chance of playing more than I will, or at least earlier in the game. I am going to play special teams, offense, and some defense. Then, Nort's going to drive my broken ass up to Colin's bachelor party/shindig. Could be high comedy time there too.

We'll see you all Sunday!


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