I Hate F*cking Friday.
I know most everyone loves Friday. They even came up with a ridiculous name for a restaurant off of the love for the day.
I hate 'em.
There are two people that are going to groan at the title of this blog. A third person, that is responsible for the title, isn't tech savvy enough to read it.
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I Hate F*cking Friday.
I'm a big fireworks freak. Kinda like Will and the NBA draft.
The earf is tilted on it's axis by 23.5 degrees, relative to the plane of the planet around the sun. This tilt is what gives us our seasons. When the earth is on one side of the sun, the angle is such that the direct rays of the sun hit the Tropic of Cancer. On the other side of the orbit, the rays hit directly on the Tropic of Capricorn.